Speech by HE Judge Joan E. Donoghue, President of the International Court of Justice, at a dinner for the Heads of international organizations in the Netherlands

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Dinner for the Heads of International Organizations in the Netherlands
Wednesday, 6 December 2023, Amsterdam Royal Palace
Your Majesty,
Namens de internationale organisaties in Nederland heb ik de eer Uwe Majesteit en Hare
Majesteit de Koningin te bedanken voor het organiseren van dit diner en voor uw
Votre Majesté, la Cour Internationale de Justice étant une institution bilingue, permettez-moi
également de vous exprimer en français toute ma gratitude pour nous avoir invités à passer
cette soirée très spéciale en votre présence ici au Palais Royal d’Amsterdam.
Your Majesty, over a century ago, your far-sighted great grandmother Queen Wilhelmina
made the palace of Huis ten Bosch available to host the Hague Peace Conferences. Since
then, the Netherlands has emerged as a central hub for the international community’s effort to
organize its work in so many spheres.
The Netherlands has a long-standing tradition of placing strong emphasis on multilateralism
and international law. The Dutch constitution in fact makes international law a priority for the
Given the emphasis that Your Majesty’s country has historically placed on cooperation and the
international rule of law, it is unsurprising that successive international courts and international
organizations have decided to make their home in the Netherlands, earning the city of The
Hague in particular its nickname of “international city of peace and justice”. Besides a large
number of leading organizations in the field of international peace and justice, the Netherlands
has also managed to attract various global and European organizations operating in fields
ranging from intellectual property, to safety and security, development and scientific research
-- among others.
I believe I speak on behalf of all these organizations in expressing the hope and expectation
that we can continue to rely on the Netherlands to provide the support that is essential for the
performance of our functions. All of us are also deeply grateful that this special evening gives
us an opportunity to renew and reinforce our mutual connections.
In closing, Your Majesty, may I invite those present to rise and to join me in a toast.
Your Majesty, we toast to your health and happiness and that of Her Majesty the Queen.
I thank you.

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Speech by HE Judge Joan E. Donoghue, President of the International Court of Justice, at a dinner for the Heads of international organizations in the Netherlands
